AMR NMO Magnetic mount- Heavy Duty for Sensus, Xylem, Neptune, Badger, Master Meter, Zenner. 900 Mhz Automated Meter Reading. "Meter-Max" Antenna

  • Units Available: 34
List Price: Regular price $250.00
AMR NMO Magnetic mount- Heavy Duty for Sensus, Xylem, Neptune, Badger, Master Meter, Zenner. 900 Mhz Automated Meter Reading. "Meter-Max" Antenna
AMR NMO Magnetic mount- Heavy Duty for Sensus, Xylem, Neptune, Badger, Master Meter, Zenner. 900 Mhz Automated Meter Reading. "Meter-Max" Antenna
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AMR NMO Magnetic mount- Heavy Duty for Sensus, Xylem, Neptune, Badger, Master Meter, Zenner. 900 Mhz Automated Meter Reading. "Meter-Max" Antenna

  • Units Available: 34
List Price: Regular price $250.00
The RFMAX "Meter-Max" # RAMR-MAGMNT is an NMO Magnetic mount for "drive-by" water meter reading. This NMO Mag mount works with ALL major AMR brands. Designed to provide MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE work with VGB (vehicle gateway base-stations) from ANY of the major manufacturers with heavy duty strail relief and pull tab to increase the durabilty of the mount. The mount includes adaptors to connect to all Major AMR manufacturers which makes this mount the only Universal NMO Mag mount that connects to most of the Major AMR manufacturer's devices.

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